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The MICRO TRAINER B electronic training collar is a real bestseller of MARTIN SYSTEM® , which specializes in developing the best training collars in the world . MICRO TRAINER B - the pioneer in the range of Martin System® training collars is an evergreen classic with a modern design that allows customization for each individual dog.

MICRO TRAINER B is one of the most popular and modern electronic training collars on the world market. Thanks to the most modern patented technological innovations , the MICRO TRAINER B collar will provide you with exactly what you are looking for - a dog that obeys commands reliably, with enthusiasm and enthusiasm even in the most disruptive environment, all while maintaining comfort and safety during training.

Link to video: Training with Martin System electronic collars: No worries, just enthusiasm!

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Code: BE-112

Product detailed description

 Electronic training collar MICRO TRAINER B

Along with Chameleon® III B training collars, the MICRO TRAINER B electronic collar is undoubtedly one of the best training collars in the world. It has the highest level of technological innovation of all leading world brands and has one more huge advantage over competing products - its development is carried out in cooperation with one of the best cynologists in the world (Bart Bellon).

Just as in the case of the Chameleon® III B training collars, so also in the case of the MICRO TRAINER B training electronic collar, you get a really functional, unusually effective training aid , which will make it much easier for you to achieve your goals - whether they are challenges in work or sports. cynology, or "only" small - big challenges of ordinary "sleepers" such as really reliable summoning, disciplined walking on a leash, socialized behavior towards visitors, chasing animals, etc.

A huge advantage of the MARTIN SYSTEM® training collars is the fact that they are in no way punitive or aversive means for correcting dogs , on the contrary, they are a great training supplement for all those who feel the need to intervene in the dog's behavior at any moment in which it is necessary. they need to communicate with their dog even at a distance, but in a fair and safe way for the dog, which does not traumatize him, on the contrary, which stimulates him to enthusiastically follow the command.

The only training collar on the market that allows stimulation through low impulses. Necessary for safe, reliable, ethical and fair and modern training with your dog.

See more about the great features and technological innovations of these electronic collars


The MICRO TRAINER B training collar was invented for effective and fair communication with your dog, for your comfort, ensuring its resistance in all weather and discretion. It is a remote training collar that can be used as a clicker, pulse stimulation, sound stimulation and a form of sound cue followed by stimulation.

The training collars MICRO TRAINER B and Chameleon® III B represent the best of the world of training collars - in both cases, it is a tool that gives you incredible training potential:



The MICRO TRAINER B incorporates unique Martin System® patents that include Contact Measurement (CMS), Consistent Reliable Stimulation (SSC) and a small but powerful new High Voltage Transformer (NHT) that enables an extremely small design, extremely long battery life in standby mode and reliable stimulation at all levels.

With this MARTIN SYSTEM® collar, you get something extra, something that will really move you into the 21st century in training your dog:

With the new bluetooth technology on the MICRO TRAINER B we have access to Doggify - k a free application from Martin System®. After installing Doggify on our phone (Android and Apple), we can immediately get important information about our collar - whether we have a functional contact between the collar and the dog's body (you know exactly that, for example, the dog does not respond to your instruction and stimulus because it ignores it, or because there is no functional contact of the collar with your dog's body and therefore he did not feel the stimulus...), what is the temperature of your dog (great and practical functionality, e.g. when transporting your dog by car in the summer), whether we have a charged battery, etc. In addition, the user can easily set default stimulation levels using the app and perfectly adapt the collar to their needs for a perfect working experience.


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  • Waterproof
  • Rechargeable (can be charged in 4 hours)
  • Dimensions: 22x35x55
  • Weight: 34g
  • Two-year full warranty

MICRO TRAINER B is equipped with a rechargeable battery and can be charged by cable or induction.

The MICRO TRAINER B collar is a revolution of evolution. Professionals know why .


K9 is a Bluetooth connected transmitter equipped with a color backlit screen. With the Chameleon®III B training collar, it has a range of 1000 meters . This remote has 18 levels of stimulation and 10 program modes that can be customized through the free Doggify app. By default, the K9 allows you to train two dogs on the same transmitter (however, this setting can be changed in Doggify to up to 4 dogs).

You have 2 stimulation buttons for each dog, which gives you the possibility to work with two different frequencies for one dog if necessary. The transmitter automatically remembers the last stimulation level selected for each button.




  • Compatible with Finger Kick
  • Compatible with all Martin System®/Chameleon® collars

All stimulation switches can be parameterized separately:

  • 18 levels
  • 10 modes:
    • Tone or click at level 0
    • Warning tone
    • Stimulus with or without tone
    • Continuous stimulus with or without tone
    • Rising stimulus with or without tone
    • Falling stimulus with or without tone


  • Range up to 1000 m
  • 4 stimulation buttons
  • 2 dogs as default, can be parameterized to 1 or 4 dogs using Doggify app
  • Battery life: 3 days in standby mode
  • Ergonomic remote control
  • Large backlit display
  • Tactile feedback from the buttons
  • Waterproof case
  • Doggify mobile application
  • Configuration of stimulation buttons
  • Possibility to adjust the speed of ascent/descension
  • Ability to customize max level jump for climb/descend
  • Possibility to customize the number of independent identification codes to be created for the transmitter for 1, 2 or 4 dogs
  • Possibility to set the stimulation mode
  • Wireless or USB rechargeable
  • Sound and vibration stimulation feedback on the remote control

Tone signaling via the Doggify app


 A great accessory - the patented Finger Kick can be paired with your Martin System remote control and allows you to wirelessly trigger the stimulation button on the remote control without using your hands.

Extremely effective during training (both hands are free, you don't have to hold the transmitter in your hand or hang it around your neck), but it is also extremely popular for its discretion - for example, you can have your dog "free" on walks and communicate with it only via Finger Kick - a small device strung on the finger of your hand - great !!!



Video tutorials:

  • K9 Pairing with Chameleon®III B


K9 Pairing with Chameleon® III B from Martin System on Vimeo.


  • K9 Connecting to Doggify


K9 Connecting to Doggify from Martin System on Vimeo.

  • K9 Pairing with Finger Kick

K9 Pairing with FK from Martin System on Vimeo.



Additional parameters

Category: Martin System™ Micro Trainer B - professional training collar
Warranty: 2 years
Veľkosť obojku: 35 x 55 x 22 mm
Vodotesnosť: Vodotesný obojok aj ovládač
Prevádzková teplota: -20°C až +40°C
Hmotnosť: 34 g
Dosah: 1000 m
Ovládané psy: 1 - 2
Stimulácie: 18 úrovní
? Prepojenie obojku s mobilom: áno

Ukážka výcviku psa trénovaného s výcvikovým obojkom CHAMELEON®

Ukážka výcviku psa trénovaného s výcvikovým obojkom CHAMELEON®

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Martin System - úvod1


Za svetoznámou značkou elektronických výcvikových obojkov Martin System® stojí jeden z najlepších kynológov sveta Bart Bellon.

Ako jediný kynológ na svete sa môže pochváliť siedmimi titulmi šampión belgického ringsportu (jednej z najťažších kynologických súťaží na svete) V roku 2002 Bart Bellon dokonca dosiahol najvyššie skóre, aké kedy kto dosiahol (predtým i potom) na majstrovstvách v belgickom ringu. 

Chcete vedieť ako to urobil? Odpoveďou je jeho systém výcviku a výchovy psov známy ako NePoPo®, ktorý doslova tvorí  sebavedomé a agilné psy plniace každý povel v každom prostredí s veľkým zanietením a to doslova srdcom a dušou.

Ako prirodzenú súčasť tejto výchovy a výcviku využíva Bart Bellon aj elektronické výcvikové obojky Martin System®, na vývoji ktorých sa sám podieľal. 

Elektronické výcvikové obojky Martin System®  využívajú 6 kľúčových technológií, ktoré iné elektronické obojky nemajú a preto s nimi nie je možné dosiahnuť také výsledky, ako so zapojením elektronických výcvikových obojkov Martin System® v kombinácii s NePoPo®.


A tu je stručná história samotnej značky Martin System®:


Spoločnosť SA «Nouveaux Etablissements Charles Martin» (ďalej len «Martin System®») bola založená M. Charlesom Martinom.

Prvotnou hlavnou činnosťou spoločnosti bola distribúcia a montáž elektrických vykurovacích systémov, najmä značky ACEC.


Charles Martin a jeho syn Joseph Martin sa rozhodli diverzifikovať svoju činnosť a investovať do výskumu a vývoja systémov výcviku psov, tu sa zrodila značka Martin System®

Z roka na rok aktivita súvisiaca so systémami výcviku psov narastala a bola vyvinutá celá škála produktov pre výcvik psov, ale aj výcvik sokolov a tiež vo všeobecnom výcviku a dozore zvierat.


Akvizícia spoločnosťou BCBB

Viac ako desať rokov Bart & Michael Bellon, majitelia BCBB, úzko spolupracovali s Martin System® a M. Charlesom Martinom. Obchodná aj technologická spolupráca priniesla spoločnosti významnú pridanú hodnotu pri vývoji nových produktov.

Pre M. Charlesa Martina bolo logickým krokom predať a odovzdať spoločnosť BCBB. Medzitým BCBB vyvinula svoje vlastné produkty využívajúce najmodernejšie technológie v elektronike od Martin System.

Prevzatie umožnilo spoločnosti Martin System® ďalej rozvíjať svoje produktové portfólio so správnym zameraním a potrebným trhovým know-how. Skúsenosti M et Mrs Bellon s výcvikom psov predstavujú pre spoločnosť neuveriteľnú výhodu a odlíšenie, ktoré môžete teraz využiť aj Vy !!!